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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Credit Where Credit Is Due!

Nothing specific prompting this post.  Just thoughts I have had about my mom and I wanted to share because I have not given her enough credit.  

As many of you know, for a long period of time, mom was our sole provider.  She was mom and dad.  She had to do both roles and she did them well.  At times, I know I don't give her enough credit.  Being a parent myself and thinking back to everything she had to do  I realize I never thanked mom enough.  

Growing up we never had a lot of things, but I don't ever recall totally missing anything or wanting something so bad that mom couldn't give us.  I do remember one Christmas where I had to have the Pamela Talking Doll (and I got it).  My biggest memories with my mom are specific instances and not gifts.  

I remember cleaning the house every weekend and getting to go to the lake if we did what we were supposed to.  I remember getting to be with her when she bowled with Uncle Kevin, I remember going to the drive in movies, I remember laying out in our backyard in our little pool that had zoo animals on it.  I remember going for bike rides through the country.  I remember our photo shoots at the lake, on the trails, in the backyard.  I remember her making us oatmeal on our first day of school in Carlyle.  I remember mom being there for my first surgery, the birth of my first child, and so many firsts way before those.  I remember all of the cakes she baked for us.  I remember baking Christmas cookies with her.  Not just a dozen, but probably a dozen different kinds.  

Now even as an adult I remember all the times I call her because I can't remember how to boil an egg, or when I need to decorate a cake for my own child, or when that crafty project I envision in my head is not coming out in real life.  Or when my stockings are nameless, and need names.  I remember mom helping with the small details of the wedding that to me were the big details.  buying a cheap cake serving set and make it match my theme. I remember her taking my kids when I need her to.  I remember that we have fun together.  

I know that I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for the person my mom had to be years ago.  Just about everything I remember about my childhood and my mom is not about what electronic system I had or what I didn't have and wanted.  It's about specific instances and memories.  Stuff that cannot be bought, can never be exchanged and should always be returned.  :) 

I remember the times I probably thought I hated you because I didn't get my way or thought that it was the end of the world, because my mom was not my best friend but now knowing we have a close bound and you are my best friend.....I love you mom and all you do.  And I hope that knowledge will help me get through parenting my owns kids.

psst...i know i never hated you.  I just know as a teenager i was kind of an angry person and may have thought that that i didn't like you or you didn't like me, but we did love each other.  

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