Because quotes have seem to come up a lot in the last week or so. What are some quotes or prayers that you live by.
My number one prayer is Serenity Prayer. Thanks to my mom. Anytime I struggle she says to remember the Serenity Prayer and anytime I post the first few (well known) verses on my facebook page, she finishes it for me.
God, give grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Another one I try to remember and incorporate into my daily life is in my email sig block. I forgot I even had it in my sig block until the lady from Family Circle (yes the magazine) commented on it while talking to her via email. More on that later. It's an Einstein quote
Learn from yesterday, Live for today and hope for tomorrow.
There is another part to it "The important thing is to not stop questioning." Evidently I like to cut quotes and prayers short. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I need to focus on the whole thing and not bits and pieces. Maybe then they would actually work!
And another one that I have heard a couple times from a friend and recently at a Relay for Life meeting and it caught my daughter's attention too.
If you want the rainbow you have to deal with the rain.
Some days though, the rain sucks. I would settle for partly cloudy, and not the tsunami that seems to be my life lately.
So I am going to try to focus on the my serenity, courage, wisdom, learning from my mistakes, enjoying today and hoping for tomorrow, and dealing with the rain all while hoping for that rainbow.