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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Junior High Pandemic Schooling

 I have talked about sending a kid to college during a pandemic.  But as most people know we have two kids in very different parts of their life.  Our son is in junior high.  Things are different.  He like everyone else missed the last 3 months of school last year.  However, he had the luxury of having a sister take care of him while mom and dad worked.  Doing remote learning with very little preparation was a struggle, but having a sister home was helpful.  Especially a sister who knew common core math.  

Now as we face a new school year I had contemplated changing his schools to the private school but had reservations about how this would affect him socially.  He already struggles making friends at his current school that he has gone to since pre-k so I could not imagine such a big change during junior high.  We decided not to judge his current school on the lack of prep time last school year and hope that this year would be better. 

We set out to start school but the Friday before we were notified that break was extended two more weeks with the hope that our cases would go down in our county.  If not, once this two week buffer period was up, we would start remote learning.  

Remote learning is going to be different.  He gets a Chromebook this year which should help as last year he used his sister's device or mine.  However, I am nervous has to how the instruction will be taking on and pray that there will be zoom instruction and a lot more guidance than last year.  He needs more than two full-time work outside the home parents can provide.  

So I pray for grace and patience this school year for both my son and me. 

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