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Sunday, January 13, 2013


I love my friends.  I have been with the same group of friends since 1998.  I have my parents to thank for that.  I was not making much money at my current job and my dad told me I had to get another job or park the car.  I didn't want to work at Hardees but dad made me apply and I got it.  Low and behold I actually loved that job.  We had a great group of people there.  They were fun and actually the first group of friends I hung out with on a regular basis.  We have stayed friends all these years.  Been in each others weddings, heck some even dated and married each other.  We all have kids the same age and try to get them together once a month.  I love my friends. 

We lost one 5 years ago and since 2009 the guys from the group who were on a dart team with Jason, have put together a dart tournament in his memory and every year donating the money to a worthy cause (American Heart Association, Relay for Life, Humane Society, and Hannah's Playground --I think I am missing one but don't recall what it was).  Every year the tournament seems to get better.  The guys do a terrific job in honor of Jason.  Every year its neat to see the other people who come to support the cause in memory of Jason.  So many of their classmates are there.  It's really neat to see how many people come together to remember such a great friend. 

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