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Saturday, January 12, 2013

The future

Do you ever wonder what your kid is going to be when they grow up?  Right now if you ask X he would tell you "santa."  Little does he know we are all "santa" at some point (if you have kids) and its not as glamoruous as you expect as a child.  You don't get magical reindeer, you don't have elves making the toys or wrapping the presents.  It's all you.  But seriously I wonder what his choice job will be.  Once he figures out superheroes and santa are just imaginary.  He is pretty argumentative (attorney) but he is also very kind and caring when someone is hurt (doctor), but he is also very into tools and watching people do real work (okay not calling attorneys or doctors not real work but you know what I mean.  a blue collar, get dirty, sweat a little work).  He also declared fire fighters are cool.   Actually if you would ask him today what do you want to do when you get big?  he will likely answer....Soccer. 

S on the other hand is our artsy child.  she loves anything artsy.  Too bad there is not much money in that field.  She definitely is not a sporty child.  She wants to be but let's face's just not there.  Serena loves to write, and draw, and play her clarinet.  She likes to sing and dance.  Who knows where she will land. 

What do we want them to be when they grow up?  Happy!  whatever profession that may be or wherever that may be (S has declared she is going to college in Chicago).  Good luck dad and connie. 

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